1. Rector is appointed by the Salesian Provincial, the chairman of the School.
2. He is the chief animator and spiritual father of the institution.
3. He animates the Staff towards the vision and mission of the Institution and the core values of the campus.
4. He ensures that the norms and guidelines, the objectives and policies of the province, pertaining to the educational apostolate are faithfully adhered to in the School.
5. He provides a climate in the campus for the implementation and realization of the Salesian vision in the best manner possible.
6. He ensures harmony and smooth functioning of the different units of the institution.
7. He is available to the Salesians, Staff, Non-Teaching Staff, Domestic Staff and the Students whenever they need spiritual and other helps.
8. He takes care of the value education and spiritual formation.
9. He deals with grievances of staff and Students
The Correspondent
1. The Correspondent is appointed by the Provincial for a period of 3 years and may be re-appointed.
2. The Correspondent is the Administrative Head of the School and he represents the Management before the Government. He deals with all matters relating to the general administration of the School. He plays a supportive role in the academic community headed by the Headmistress and complements her work.
3. The Correspondent of the School has the following administrative functions in consultation with the Headmistress: appointment of the Staff, approval of the probationary period of the Staff and confirmation of their appointment, promotion of the Staff, disciplinary action against the Staff, salary of the Staff, sanction of increment, legal matters and all kinds of leave.
4. The Correspondent administers management of scholarships in consultation with the Headmistress.
5. The Correspondent sanctions loans to the teaching and non-teaching Staff of the School in consultation with the Head Mistress and Administrator.
6. The Correspondent will see to the mobilization of funds for the development of the School.
7. He oversees the functioning of Administrator office.
8. The Correspondent, the Head Mistress and the Administrator work in close collaboration and cooperation, exercising mutual trust and help.
9. He is invited for all the major meetings and functions of the School.
The Headmistress
1. The Headmistress is appointed by the Rector in consultation with the house council and the provincial.
2. The Headmistress is the academic head of the School, and is the executive authority of the School. She has to provide a joyful atmosphere for the staff and students to learn and grow. She plays a vital role in motivating and inspiring everyone towards excellence.
3. The Headmistress keeps the Correspondent informed of all matters of general administration.
4. The Headmistress runs the day to day administration of the School, plans and executes all academic programs including, allots work to the teaching and non-teaching Staff in consultation with the Correspondent, routes the leave applications to the Correspondent, supervises the teaching and non-teaching Staff, monitors attendance of the Staff, draws up the calendar and time table, facilitates co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and maintains discipline of Students and Staff.
5. The Headmistress is responsible for the efficient functioning of the School. She evaluates the performance of teaching and non-teaching Staff in consultation with the correspondent.
6. The Headmistress is directly responsible for quality in education as per Government and Management guidelines.
7. The Headmistress helps the correspondent to prepare the annual budget for the School.
8. She maintains the staff registers
9. She brings up all the vacancies and changes in the School to the Correspondent for approval.
10. She routes all the applications for concessions to deserving Students to the Correspondent.
11. She is the chief for all examinations.
The Administrator
1. Administrator helps towards careful, effective financial administration of the School.
2. He is responsible for the new constructions and major maintenance in the School.
3. He supervises the maintenance of the properties and goods of the School.
4. He has the complete financial accounts of the School.
5. He ensures a complete and accurate day-to-day record of financial transactions.
6. He ensures adequate facilities for conduct of classes and meetings.
7. He is also responsible for new purchases of equipment and articles.
8. He maintains the accounts and arranges for audit of all the accounts.
9. He follows up the EPF, ESI, loan, recovery of loan and closure, income tax
10. He is invited for all the major meetings and functions of the School.
11. He supervises the Accountant and security staff.
1. Every teacher is appointed by the Correspondent of the School in consultation with the management council.
2. She cooperates with the Head Mistress and other teachers for the efficient running of the School and works with team spirit for the good of the Students and of the institution.
3. She adopts suitable, innovative and appropriate methodology with respect to teaching and evaluation.
4. She covers the various units of the syllabus in the stipulated time frame.
5. She coordinates with the Head Mistress in administering internal assessment, setting the question papers on time, valuing the answer papers, entering the marks in the mark-sheet and returning the answer papers to the Students within 10 days of the date of the test.
6. She is available in the campus during working hours and as and when required.
7. She is present with the Students for all the School functions.
8. She reports to class on time and should not leave the classes before scheduled time.
9. She is responsible for maintaining the attendance records of his/her Students.
10. She informs the Headmistress about casual leave and arranges substitute for her work.
11. She makes up for the classes cancelled or missed due to her absence.
12. If she is given the responsibility of a class teacher, she has to be the academic counsellor and mentor for that class.
13. She identifies the weak Students (after the first test) and provides special guidance and help for their improvement in studies.
14. She contacts parents periodically and appraises about his/her performance.
15. She meets the Students individually and monitors the attendance of Students and calls the parents of defaulters for counselling.
16. She keeps the record of leave letters of students
17. She keeps the record of test marks.
Educative Pastoral Community Council (EPCC) consists of representatives of all the stakeholders: Management, Teachers, Parents, Past Pupils, and Present Pupils. The EPCC prepares the Educative Pastoral Plan (EPP). The plan is to achieve the Vision and Mission of our institution. The plan takes care of the holistic education of the young by enumerating the different activities and programmes. It also fixes the persons responsible for the execution of the plan. The plan takes care of the six important dimensions of the Education: (1) Spirituality and Ethics, (2) Education and Culture, (3) Group Experience, (4) Vocational Guidance, (5) Social Responsibility and (6) Social Communication. The plan goes through annual evaluation and replanning by the EPCC.