Training for Teachers
Regular training is given to teachers on the following topics: Don Bosco System of Education, The Teaching Methodology, Computer Training, Training in different skills, The content of the subjects. The teachers are also encouraged to do online courses which are relevant to the Primary Education.
Every day morning assembly is conducted in which the children are taught to pray and listen to some moral stories. The birthdays of the staff and students are celebrated in the assembly.
Home Work
Considering their age, minimum home work is given to the students every day. It is made known to the parents through whats App. We expect the students to do their home work by themselves and the parents are expected to facilitate their work.
Tests and Examinations
At the beginning of the year we conduct a simple test to find out their standard. There are three terms. In each term there will be a midterm examinations and end term examinations (Quarterly, Half yearly and Annual). The papers will be corrected at the earliest and the open day will be conducted. Those who are weak in studies will have an opportunity to attend the coaching class after the class hours by the respective teachers.
Progress Report
The progress report is printed in the diary and after each test, the class teacher will fill the grade in the given format and the parents are expected to sign.
The students are given many opportunities to show their talents and academic and as well as in the non-academic learning. There are many functions conducted in which the students are given chance to perform and exhibit their talents.
Coaching the weak students
The school is arranging for coaching the weak students every day after the class hours. The parents have to make their willingness to send their children for such coaching classes.